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Did You Know?


Many villages and towns, such as Northport on the North Shore of Long Island, have strict regulations governing the removal of trees from one’s property. Existing trees, especially large stands of good-sized trees (24″ caliper and larger), provide many benefits to a community. From providing shade from the hot sun during the afternoon, to a place for birds, mammals and insects to carry-on the daily tasks of living: collecting food, building nests, rearing young.

By removing just one tree, habitat for hundreds of different plants and animal species can be destroyed. This can have a far-reaching impact on the overall local ecosystem. So when considering the removal of trees from your property, think about what you may lose when you cut one mature tree down. Be aware of which trees are more beneficial to an eco-community than others. Planting and conserving native trees helps to provide cooling shade in the summer, beautiful fall color, winter interest during the snowy months and habitat for native, Long Island species.

Mother Oak’s Garden can help you create and draft a plan the for the woodland, shade garden you desire. Our ecologically responsible design services are thorough; from site analysis to completed design. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with our designer.

4 thoughts on “Did You Know?

  1. Is there a definitive Long Island native tree species?

    1. Are you more interested in shade trees or ornamental trees?

      1. How about a native shade tree that has aesthetic qualities as well.

  2. Definitive Long Island species— mmmm —Coastal maritime communities along the North Shore of Long Island are typically comprised of oaks (e.g., white oak and black oak) and American beech – all fantastic hardwoods for supporting a broad array of creatures — Doug Tallamy’s book Bringing Nature Home is one of my favorite how to guides

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